A MultiFile instance has the following methods:
and set self.last
to 1 or 0 according as
the match is or is not an end-marker. If the line matches any other
stacked boundary, raise an error. On encountering end-of-file on the
underlying stream object, the method raises Error unless
all boundaries have been popped.
start of line (which all MIME boundaries have) but it is declared so
it can be overridden in derived classes.
Note that this test is used intended as a fast guard for the real boundary tests; if it always returns false it will merely slow processing, not cause it to fail.
It is possible to push more than one boundary. Encountering the most-recently-pushed boundary will return EOF; encountering any other boundary will raise an error.
(which MIME section boundaries have) but
it is declared so it can be overridden in derived classes. This
method need not append LF or CR-LF, as comparison with the result
ignores trailing whitespace.
and appends '-
(like a
MIME-multipart end-of-message marker) but it is declared so it can be
be overridden in derived classes. This method need not append LF or
CR-LF, as comparison with the result ignores trailing whitespace.
Finally, MultiFile instances have two public instance variables:
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